
Notification Object

This is an object created by you, the developer, and passed to FoxyProxy API calls. Its functions are called by the API to inform you of the success or failure of API calls.





success(p)Called by the FoxyProxy API when the user permits the API call. Arguments to the function are optional. They are defined by the originating API call; i.e., the API call which invokes success().Basic: 2.6
Standard: 3.6
Plus: 4.6
Gecko 2+ (Firefox 4+, Thunderbird 3.3+, SeaMonkey 2.1+)


Requires Firefox 9.0 / Thunderbird 9.0 / SeaMonkey 2.6 or greater

rejected()Called by the FoxyProxy API when the user prevents the API call by closing the notification window without clicking "Allow". If the application version is not at least Firefox 9.0 / Thunderbird 9.0 / SeaMonkey 2.6, this function will never be called.Basic: 2.6
Standard: 3.6
Plus: 4.6
Gecko 9+ (Firefox 9+, Thunderbird 9+, SeaMonkey 2.6+)


error(msg)Called by the FoxyProxy API when there is an error during the API call. Arguments to the function are optional, but usually consist of a single string with a human-readable text error message. The argument is defined by the originating API call; i.e., the API call which invokes error().Basic: 2.6
Standard: 3.6
Plus: 4.6
Gecko 2+ (Firefox 4+, Thunderbird 3.3+, SeaMonkey 2.1+)